Source code for anesthetic.gui.widgets

"""Widget wrappers to matplotlib.

These extend the matplotlib widgets by plotting themselves onto an axis and
storing a reference to both the widget object and the axis on which they are


from matplotlib.widgets import Button as mplButton
from matplotlib.widgets import CheckButtons as mplCheckButtons
from matplotlib.widgets import RadioButtons as mplRadioButtons
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider as mplSlider
from anesthetic.utils import histogram
from anesthetic.plot import make_2d_axes

[docs] class Widget(object): """Base class for anesthetic gui widgets. Stores a reference to the underlying figure, the gridspec that the widget is placed at and the axes of the widget. Parameters ---------- fig: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure for drawing widget on. gridspec: matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec Specification for where to draw in the figure. Technically could be any argument that can be passed to :meth:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.add_subplot`. Attributes ---------- fig: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure for drawing widget on. gridspec: matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec Specification for where to draw in the figure. Technically could be any argument that can be passed to :meth:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.add_subplot`. ax: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes of widget. """ def __init__(self, fig, gridspec): self.fig = fig self.gridspec = gridspec = self.fig.add_subplot(self.gridspec)
[docs] class LabelsWidget(Widget): """Widget with labels to choose from. Parameters ---------- labels: list(str) Set of labels to be tied to Widget. Attributes ---------- labels: list(str) Set of labels on Widget. """ def __init__(self, fig, gridspec, labels): super().__init__(fig, gridspec) self.labels = labels
[docs] class Button(Widget): """Push button that performs an action. Parameters ---------- action: func What should be run upon clicking the button. text: str Overlay text on the button. Attributes ---------- button: :class:`matplotlib.widgets.Button` matplotlib Button. """ def __init__(self, fig, gridspec, action, text): super().__init__(fig, gridspec) self.button = mplButton(, text) self.button.on_clicked(action)
[docs] class CheckButtons(LabelsWidget): """Set of checkboxes. Defaults to choosing the only the first label at start. Parameters ---------- action: func What should be done upon checking the box. Attributes ---------- buttons: :class:`matplotlib.widgets.CheckButtons` matplotlib CheckButtons. """ def __init__(self, fig, gridspec, labels, action): super().__init__(fig, gridspec, labels) default = [i == 0 for i, _ in enumerate(self.labels)] self.buttons = mplCheckButtons(, self.labels, default) self.buttons.on_clicked(action) def __call__(self): """Get current status of the check boxes.""" return self.labels[list(self.buttons.get_status())]
[docs] class RadioButtons(LabelsWidget): """Set of radio selection choices. Parameters ---------- labels: list(str)) Attributes ---------- buttons: :class:`matplotlib.widgets.RadioButtons` matplotlib RadioButtons. """ def __init__(self, fig, gridspec, labels, action): super().__init__(fig, gridspec, labels) self.buttons = mplRadioButtons(, self.labels) self.buttons.on_clicked(action) def __call__(self): """Get current selection string.""" return self.buttons.value_selected
[docs] class Slider(Widget): """Choose a parameter via a slider widget. Parameters ---------- action: func What should be done upon altering the slider. text: str Text at the start of the slider. valmin, valmax, valinit: float Range and initial value for the slider. orientation: str Orientation for slider ('horizontal' or 'vertical'). Attributes ---------- slider: :class:`matplotlib.widgets.Slider` matplotlib Slider. """ def __init__(self, fig, gridspec, action, text, valmin, valmax, valinit, orientation): super().__init__(fig, gridspec) self.slider = mplSlider(, text, valmin, valmax, valinit=valinit, orientation=orientation) self.slider.on_changed(action)
[docs] def set_text(self, text): """Set the text at the end of the slider. Parameters ---------- text: str Text to be chosen """ self.slider.valtext.set_text(text)
[docs] def reset_range(self, valmin=None, valmax=None): """Reset the range of the slider. Kwargs: valmin, valmax: (float), optional: The new limits to the slider. """ if valmax is not None: self.slider.valmax = valmax if valmin is not None: self.slider.valmin = valmin, self.slider.valmax)
def __call__(self): """Return the float value in the slider.""" return self.slider.val
[docs] class TrianglePlot(Widget): """Triangle plot widget as exemplified by getdist and For other examples of these plots, see: Attributes ---------- ax: :class:`pandas.DataFrame`(:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`) Mapping from pairs of parameters to axes for plotting. """ def __init__(self, fig, gridspec): super().__init__(fig, gridspec) self.fig.delaxes( _, = make_2d_axes([], fig=self.fig, subplot_spec=self.gridspec)
[docs] def draw(self, params, labels={}): """Draw a new triangular grid for list of parameters. Parameters ---------- params: list(str) params for the triangular grid. """ # Remove any existing axes for y, row in for x, ax in row.items(): if ax is not None: if x == y: self.fig.delaxes(ax.twin) self.fig.delaxes(ax) # Set up the axes _, = make_2d_axes(params, upper=False, labels=labels, fig=self.fig, subplot_spec=self.gridspec) # Plot no points points. for y, row in for x, ax in row.items(): if ax is not None: if x == y: ax.twin.plot([None], [None], 'k-') else: ax.plot([None], [None], 'k.')
[docs] def update(self, f): """Update the points in the triangle plot using f function. Parameters ---------- f: func: str -> array(float) this function should take in a parameter label i, and return an array-like object of the i-coordinate of the samples """ for y, row in for x, ax in row.items(): if ax is not None: if x == y: datx, daty = histogram(f(x), bins='auto') ax.twin.lines[0].set_xdata(datx) ax.twin.lines[0].set_ydata(daty) else: ax.lines[0].set_xdata(f(x)) ax.lines[0].set_ydata(f(y))
[docs] def reset_range(self): """Reset the range of each grid.""" for y, row in for x, ax in row.items(): if ax is not None: if x == y: ax.twin.relim() ax.twin.autoscale_view() ax.relim() ax.autoscale_view()