Source code for anesthetic.kde

"""Kernel density estimation tools.

These act as a wrapper around fastKDE, but could be replaced in future by
alternative kernel density estimators
import warnings
from fastkde import fastKDE
from anesthetic.utils import mirror_1d, mirror_2d

[docs] def fastkde_1d(d, xmin=None, xmax=None): """Perform a one-dimensional kernel density estimation. Wrapper around `fastkde.fastKDE <>`_. Boundary corrections implemented by reflecting boundary conditions. Parameters ---------- d : np.array Data to perform kde on xmin, xmax : float lower/upper prior bounds optional, default None Returns ------- x : np.array x-coordinates of kernel density estimates p : np.array kernel density estimates """ f = xmax is None or xmin is None d_ = mirror_1d(d, xmin, xmax) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") p, x = fastKDE.pdf(d_, axis_expansion_factor=f, num_points_per_sigma=10*(2-f), use_xarray=False) p *= 2-f if xmin is not None: p = p[x >= xmin] x = x[x >= xmin] if xmax is not None: p = p[x <= xmax] x = x[x <= xmax] return x, p, xmin, xmax
[docs] def fastkde_2d(d_x, d_y, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None): """Perform a two-dimensional kernel density estimation. Wrapper round `fastkde.fastKDE <>`_. Boundary corrections implemented by reflecting boundary conditions. Parameters ---------- d_x, d_y : np.array x/y coordinates of data to perform kde on xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax : float lower/upper prior bounds in x/y coordinates optional, default None Returns ------- x, y : np.array x/y-coordinates of kernel density estimates. One-dimensional array p : np.array kernel density estimates. Two-dimensional array """ f = [xmax is None or xmin is None, ymax is None or ymin is None] d_x_, d_y_ = mirror_2d(d_x, d_y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") p, (x, y) = fastKDE.pdf(d_x_, d_y_, axis_expansion_factor=f, num_points_per_sigma=10*(2-f[0])*(2-f[1]), use_xarray=False) p *= (2-f[0]) p *= (2-f[1]) if xmin is not None: p = p[:, x >= xmin] x = x[x >= xmin] if xmax is not None: p = p[:, x <= xmax] x = x[x <= xmax] if ymin is not None: p = p[y >= ymin, :] y = y[y >= ymin] if ymax is not None: p = p[y <= ymax, :] y = y[y <= ymax] return x, y, p, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax